Northwest College

In the News

September 14, 2023
Trapper Women Split Close Road Matches
A dominant performance by the Northwest College women’s soccer team against Central Wyoming 7-3 at home on Saturday was followed by a 2-1 loss to Casper College on Monday as the Trappers wrapped up a strong run of form.
September 14, 2023
Men Split Conference Opening Weekend
A tale of two matches saw the Northwest College men’s soccer team split its opening conference matchups on the road this past weekend — losing 6-1 to Western Nebraska on Friday before rebounding for a 2-1 victory over Laramie County Community College on Saturday.
September 14, 2023
Trappers Strong In Home Rodeo
After a difficult year which saw only two Northwest Trapper cowboys advance to the College National Finals Rodeo in Casper, the Trappers had a strong end to the season with one finishing in the top ten.
September 14, 2023
NWC Volleyball Endures Difficult Montana Trip
A difficult road trip through Montana had the Northwest College Trapper volleyball team struggle to find victories, falling in a pair of doubleheaders last week before finishing with a win Tuesday night in Billings.
September 7, 2023
Men's Soccer Continues Strong Form
Continuing to round into form, the Northwest College men’s soccer team finished with a 5-1 win against Central Wyoming at home Saturday before earning a draw at No. 17-ranked Casper College on Monday.
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