Northwest College

In the News

September 5, 2023
Three Return For Northwest Women's Basketball
After a successful 2022-23 season the Northwest College women’s basketball team will return three players from last year’s roster, looking to make an impact in the third year under coach Lauren Davis.
September 5, 2023
Defending Against Wildfires - Northwest College Libero Digs Against Flames
Defending against the opposing teams’ hardest hitters was not enough for Northwest College sophomore libero Ellie Thomas. Over the summer she put in additional hard work to defend against one of the most prominent seasonal threats in Wyoming — wildfires.
August 31, 2023
Trapper Women Win Colorado Games
After a disappointing start to the season at home the Northwest College women’s soccer team rebounded in Rangely, Colorado, over the weekend — defeating Colorado Northwestern Community College 3-1 and 5-3 on Friday and Saturday.
August 31, 2023
Trappers Rebound In Road Sweep
A formation change sparked a scoring spree for the Northwest College men’s soccer team on the road in Rangely, Colorado, this past weekend — leading to a pair of dominant wins over Colorado Northwestern Community College 6-1 on Friday and 4-0 on Saturday.
August 31, 2023
NWC Volleyball 2-2 At Home Tourney
Northwest College finished 2-2 at the Trapper Invitational last weekend, playing its last home matches for a month, as libero Ellie Thomas broke her own school record for digs in a Friday match.
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