Northwest College

In the News

August 25, 2022
NWC Volleyball Starts Strong in Montana
Despite injuries starting to pile up in the early season for the Trapper volleyball team, Northwest walked away from the Big Sky Challenge in Montana with a 3-1 record.
August 18, 2022
Exhibition Matches Show Strengths And Weaknesses
An exhibition tour through Montana showed the strengths and weaknesses of the Trappers women’s soccer team this past week — playing three games in four days against top competition.
August 18, 2022
New Trapper Men Hope For 2022 Turnaround Season
Figuring out a way for an entirely new roster to play together is difficult in junior college year-to-year, and Trapper men’s soccer coach Rob Hill said this year is no exception for a talented Northwest team.
August 18, 2022
New Trapper Men Hope For 2022 Turnaround Season
Figuring out a way for an entirely new roster to play together is difficult in junior college year-to-year, and Trapper men’s soccer coach Rob Hill said this year is no exception for a talented Northwest team.
August 18, 2022
Trapper Volleyball Ready To Compete In Montana
Two weeks of two-a-day practices filled with activities, injuries and building relationships have led the Trapper volleyball team up to its first action of the season this weekend.
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