Northwest College

In the News

October 28, 2021
Women's Soccer Shut Out In Playoff Match
Postseason play for Region IX soccer kicked off last weekend as the Northwest College women’s soccer team traveled to Cheyenne to take on Laramie County Community College. The Trappers ran into a buzzsaw, as their season ended at the hands of the Golden Eagles, 7-0.
October 28, 2021
Trapper Wrestling Transitions Towards Future
The Northwest College wrestling team has had a longstanding tradition as one of the top junior college programs in the country. However, as the 2021-22 season starts next week, they will field their smallest team under coach Jim Zeigler’s tenure, with just eight rostered wrestlers.
October 28, 2021
Men's Soccer Season Ends On Last-Minute Goal
Heading into the postseason, the Trapper men’s soccer team was still struggling to find a team identity. The Northwest College squad went on the road and faced Casper College in the first round of the Region IX tournament, narrowly losing the contest 3-2.
October 28, 2021
Road Contest Stifles Trapper Volleyball
After playing six of seven matches at home, the Trapper volleyball team started a road trip which will last until the end of the season. On Friday, the Northwest College team traveled to face No. 11 Central Wyoming College in Riverton.
October 28, 2021
Scrimmaging Redshirts Beneficial In Long Run
Coming up against a team that is bigger, faster and pushes the pace can look like a difficult time, but the Trapper women’s basketball team is hoping a recent scrimmage against the Trapper men’s redshirts will benefit the team in the long run.
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