Fall 2021 COVID-19 Relief Grants

Webpage created 5.25.2021

The Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund III (HEERF III) is authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021 and included additional COVID-19 relief for institutions of higher education. This COVID stimulus bill included $40 billion, available through September 30, 2023, for higher education institutions and students, using the same Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) model established in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act of 2020.

All previous unexpended CARES (HEERF I) and Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSAA) Act funds (HEERF II), both student share and institutional share, may be used in the same way they are permitted to be used under the ARPA/HEERF III rules. All awards made under ARPA/HEERF III rules, including previously unencumbered CARES (HEERF I) and CRRSAA (HEERF II) Act funds, shall henceforth be labeled ARPA/HEERF III. The College reserves the right to award all ARPA (HEERF III) and previously unencumbered CARES (HEERF I) and CRRSAA (HEERF II) funds (labeled as ARPA/HEERF III), during the fall 2021 academic semester as it deems necessary. The College shall continue to make awards to eligible students, in accordance with this Policy & Procedure, until all available unencumbered ARPA/HEERF III funds are depleted, there are no more eligible students to award, the funds expire, or this Policy & Procedure is retired and replaced by a College Policy & Procedure that supersedes it, whichever comes first.

NWC ARPA & previously unencumbered CARES/CRRSAA student grants Policy & Procedure Governance Documents:

ARPA Student Grants Policy & Procedure - ORIGINAL (9.1.21-11.3.21)

ARPA Student Grants Policy & Procedure - SUPPLEMENTAL (11.4.21-12.17.21)

5.25.21 Update:

TBD on/after 9.16.21 (when the 21/FA semester’s add/drop period concludes)

7.5.21 Update:

TBD on/after 9.16.21 (when the 21/FA semester's add/drop period concludes)

9.16.21 Update:


10.1.21 Update:

Cumulative 3rd Quarter 2021 (7.1.21-9.30.21)

1,026 1,026

11.5.21 Update:

Cumulative 4th Quarter 2021 (10.1.21-12.31.21)

1,053 27

1.3.22 Update:

Cumulative 4th Quarter 2021 (10.1.21-12.31.21)

1,053 0


Cumulative 1st Quarter 2022 (1.1.22-3.31.22)

1,053 0


Financial Aid & Scholarships Office | Orendorff Building, ORB100 | | 307-754-6158 | 307-754-6154 (Fax) | 307-754-6225 (TTY)