Northwest College

DELTA July Summer Camp

  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, July 15 - 18, 2024
  • 8am - 4pm
  • Powell
  • Powell: NWC Fab Annex
  • $195.00
  • Keith McCallister

This camp is now full - please call Carri at 307-754-6257 to get on the wait list!

Come join NWC CTD for July's DELTA Adventure Camp!

Kids age 11 to 14 can enjoy four days of fun with a High Ropes Course, Caving, Rock Climbing and a Water Day! We'll provide the equipment, you provide the smiles!

Kids will need a daily sack lunch and water and sunscreen.

Transportation: Meet at the Fab Annex at 8am in Powell (724 North Beckman St rm#116) - then we will travel to the Cody Center - meet at the Cody Center at 8:45am (1501 Stampede Ave) - return to Cody Center at 3:15pm and return to Fab Annex in Powell at 4pm.


To register or for more information, call 307-754-6257 or email

Important! Registration is not complete until payment is made.