Hinckley Library

Reserving a Room or Multimedia Equipment

Students, faculty, staff, and the community may reserve library rooms and equipment by contacting the library.

Rooms or areas that may be reserved when the library is open.

Library Room Use Policy

Group/individual Study Rooms First-come, first-served basis for students or community members.
Library Instruction Classroom Scheduled for library instruction sessions, but can also be used by professors for special classes. When not scheduled for library instruction, is an open computer lab for student and library users.
Taggart Room Capacity is 8-10 persons; no food or drink. The Taggart Room may be reserved. Extra seating is available.
Library Seminar Room Holds 10-15 persons. Has white board, 5 person collaboration table, and two side tables with computers.
Amphitheater Scheduled through librarians. After hours scheduling available. Librarian must be present.

Equipment that may be reserved or checked out:

Other equipment & services available but not reservable: