POWELL, Wyoming — April arrives at the Northwest College Worland Center with enough computer classes to bring out the nerd in anyone.
The lineup gets underway, Monday, April 4, with a three-part Web Literacy class. Vickie Overcast will show participants how to use Internet search engines most effectively, offering tips and techniques to filter out unnecessary information. She’ll also help computer users develop discretion in judging the sites they visit.
This Web Literacy class meets from 7-8 p.m. Monday, April 4, 11 and 18. Cost is $15.
Kaitlyn Miller will introduce Microsoft Word, the software standard in word processing, Tuesday and Thursday evenings, April 5 and 7. This class covers the basic functions and features of Word 2013. Students will learn to use the help system, navigate documents, enter and edit text, create and save documents, and employ various formatting options. Also included are instructional sections on tables, headers, footers, proofing, printing and graphics.
This basic Word class meets from 6-9:30 p.m. and costs $99, which includes a comprehensive manual.
Microsoft Word users who already know the basics but aren’t quite ready for an intermediate class can find their place in Microsoft Word 2013 Basics Plus, offered Tuesday and Thursday, April 12 and 14.
This class gives beginning users opportunities to develop confidence and familiarity with basic Word features before tackling more advanced functions. A Microsoft Word 2013 Basics manual is required and can be purchased for $38 from the instructor.
The class runs from 6-9:30 p.m. and costs $60.
Microsoft Word users who are ready to work with styles, sections, columns and outlines are ready for Microsoft Word 2013 Intermediate, offered Tuesday and Thursday, April 19 and 21.
In this class, Miller also shows students how to format tables, print labels and envelopes, work with graphics, document templates and Web features, as well as managing document revisions.
The class runs from 6-9:30 p.m. and costs $99, which includes a manual.
Professional Teaching Standards Board credit is available for all three Microsoft Word classes.
For more information about these and other classes offered at the Northwest College Worland Center, contact Sheri Averett at 307-347-8541 or Sheri.Averett@nwc.edu, or visit http://www.nwc.edu/worland.