NWC News Desk

It's a small, small world when international alums return to Northwest next summer

Posted September 10, 2008

P O W E L L,  W y o. - With the notion "it's a small, small world," Northwest College is inviting its international alumni back to campus next summer for a reunion and encouraging Big Horn Basin residents to share ideas and alumni addresses with the college.

"We're asking community members who are in contact with NWC international alums to check in with us so we can make sure our lists are up to date," said Harriet Bloom-Wilson, an assistant professor of French and director of international academic programs at Northwest.

"The people in the community have always been an important part of our international students' experience. If anyone is interested in being part of the planning and implementing of the reunion, we'd like to hear from them. We're not asking anyone to be on a committee, just to contribute ideas that would be meaningful to the larger community."

The Tuesday-Friday reunion will take place mainly on the Powell campus July 21-24. A few of the activities being considered include cookouts, visits to Cody's rodeo, the Buffalo Bill Historical Center, Yellowstone National Park, horseback riding at the college's Mickelson Field Station and much more.

"This will be a rare opportunity for community members to reconnect with students they've hosted through the International Friendship Program or have come in contact with over the years to see how they've changed and where they've taken their lives," Bloom-Wilson said. "And perhaps even to meet their families - we're hoping several alumni will choose to bring their families with them."

To share alumni addresses or offer ideas for the reunion, e-mail Harriet Bloom-Wilson, or call (307) 754-6429, or toll-free (800) 560-4692, ext. 6429.