Northwest College

News Archive (2019-20 and older)

Trappers to host an open volleyball tryout

National Tourney Qualifier Throws Open Doors for All-Comers

Tribune Sports Editor 

Northwest College volleyball coach Flavia Siqueira is inviting any high school senior volleyball player with an interest in playing for the defending Region IX North champion Trappers next season to attend an open volleyball try-out on Sunday, Feb. 7, starting at 3 p.m. in Cabre Gym.

Those attending will be run through a series of drills, as well as have the opportunity to play simulated games against other attendees and members of the Trappers' lineup. Possibly, attendance could result on a spot on next year's roster. 

"You don't know what you'll find unless you look," Siqueira said of the decision to hold a tryout. "I've had a lot of people express an interest in playing, and this gives me an opportunity to bring them all in together as a group and see them side by side." 

Those interested in participating should contact Siqueira via e-mail at to confirm their participation in the event. For further information, either e-mail or call Coach Siqueira at 754-6211.