Northwest College

In the News

October 27, 2022
Trappers Stumble Against Central Wyoming
Tired legs caught up to the Northwest volleyball team on Oct. 19 when the Trappers were swept 3-0 at home by No. 5-ranked Central Wyoming.
October 27, 2022
Trapper Basketball Starts Season On The Road
One of the longest road trips of the season will take place right away for the Northwest Trapper basketball teams as they travel Tuesday to Williston, North Dakota.
October 20, 2022
Women's Soccer Sneaks Into Playoffs
The Northwest women’s soccer team will be heading to the Region IX playoffs, sneaking in after Central Wyoming forfeited its match Friday against the Trappers, who then lost Saturday to Western Wyoming 4-0.
October 20, 2022
NWC Men's Soccer Falls To Eighth Seed
A match that could have boosted the Northwest men’s soccer team to the No. 7 seed in the Region IX playoffs left the Trappers with the No. 8 seed and searching for answers after losing to Central Wyoming 3-0 on Friday.
October 20, 2022
NWC Volleyball Finishes Road Trip 2-1
A long trip to southeast Wyoming had the Northwest College women’s volleyball team squaring off with three Region IX opponents. The Trappers defeated the south region’s Otero 3-0 and Eastern Wyoming 3-1, but dropped the final match to Laramie County Community College 3-2.
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