Northwest College

In the News

October 18, 2022
NWC's Thomas Digs Into The History Books
A long, difficult match against the Rocky Mountain JV on Oct. 4 led to a record-breaking performance for freshman libero Ellie Thomas, when she finished with a Northwest College record 34 digs against the Battlin’ Bears.
October 18, 2022
Trapper Basketball Roster Shapes Up For 2022 Season
Following the sudden passing of Trapper men’s basketball coach Jay Collins, Northwest has named former men’s coach Andy Ward as the interim coach for the upcoming 2022-23 season.
October 17, 2022
Trapper Wrestlers Mauled by Grizzly
Two Northwest College wrestlers were mauled by a grizzly bear while hiking Saturday on the South Fork.
October 13, 2022
Women's Soccer Stumbles In Casper Contest
The Northwest women’s soccer team dropped a key late season contest on the road against Casper College on Saturday, falling 5-0.
October 13, 2022
Men's Soccer Falters In Second Half
Coming off a win the previous weekend in Riverton, the Northwest College men’s soccer team had its eye on an upset in Casper on Saturday, but a five-goal outburst by No. 19-ranked Casper College in the second half saw the Trappers lose 7-1.
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