Northwest College

In the News

September 29, 2022
Second Halves Devastate Trapper Women's Soccer
It was a tale of two halves for the Trapper women’s soccer team on the road in Cheyenne and Scottsbluff, as Northwest lost 2-0 to Laramie County Community College and 7-6 to Western Nebraska.   
September 29, 2022
Defensive Errors Extend Trapper Men's Woes
A set of defensive mistakes continued a downward trend for the Northwest men’s soccer team on Friday and Saturday. The Trappers fell 2-0 to Laramie County Community College and 5-2 to Western Nebraska Community College.   
September 29, 2022
NWC Volleyball Sweeps Region Openers
Home court advantage paid off during the opening weekend of Region IX play for the Trapper volleyball team, which swept Eastern Wyoming College 3-0 and Laramie County Community College 3-0 at Cabre Gym on Friday and Saturday. 
September 29, 2022
Eleven Join Women's Basketball in 2022-23 Season
Eleven new recruits have made their way to Powell to join the Northwest women’s basketball program heading into its second season under coach Lauren Davis.
September 22, 2022
Trapper Men Drop Tight Home Contests
Difficult contests and rainy weather led to a pair of home losses for the Trapper men’s soccer team on Friday and Saturday. Northwest fell to to Trinidad 2-1 and Otero 4-3.
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