Northwest College

In the News

September 22, 2022
NWC Trapper Women Fall Short At Home
Region IX play made its way to Northwest on Friday and Saturday, with the Trapper women’s soccer team dropping contests to Trinidad 3-1 and Otero 1-0.
September 22, 2022
Trappers Strong In Final Tournament
One final weekend with multiple games per day saw the Trapper volleyball team post a 3-1 record over three days at the Wyo-Braska Tournament — losing to hosts Western Nebraska 3-0, but defeating Lake Region State 3-1, Colorado Northwestern 3-0 and Northeastern Junior College 3-0.
September 15, 2022
Trapper Stampede Kicks Off Season
Teams from around the Big Sky Region flocked to Powell on Friday and Saturday to kick off the fall college rodeo season with the Trapper Stampede.
September 15, 2022
Trapper Women's Soccer Earns First Win Of Season
A road trip to northeastern Colorado proved to be a jump start for the Northwest College women’s soccer team, which defeated Lamar College on Friday 3-0 but lost to Northeastern Junior College Saturday 1-0.
September 15, 2022
NWC Men's Soccer Learns In Region Play
Three matches in five days proved difficult for the Northwest College men’s soccer team, which defeated Lamar Community College 3-1, before losing to Northeastern Junior College 3-0 and Casper College 5-2.
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