Northwest College

In the News

September 15, 2022
Trapper Volleyball Sweeps At Home
Returning to Cabre Gym after a difficult road trip through Utah proved to be an added boost for the Trapper volleyball team, which swept the Rocky Mountain JV on Wednesday and Miles Community College twice on Friday.
September 8, 2022
Women's Soccer Struggles With Visiting Cougars
The early season struggles continued for the Northwest College women’s soccer team, which dropped its home opener to the visiting Western Nebraska Cougars 5-1.
September 8, 2022
Trappers Dramatic Late Goal Completes Comeback
Needing a last minute goal in the scorching heat on Saturday, the Trapper men’s soccer team found an answer with five minutes left to win its home opener over Western Nebraska 2-1.
September 8, 2022
Trapper Volleyball Learns Against Top Competition
Heading down to Utah, Northwest Trapper volleyball coach Scott Keister expected to learn a lot about his team coming up against three top 20 teams and a 12-time national champion program.
September 6, 2022
NWC's Top Two Scorers Return For Trappers
Only two Trapper women’s basketball players will be making their way back to the court for Northwest in 2022, but they are the top two scorers from last year’s squad.
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