Northwest College

In the News

November 30, 2021
NWC Women Sweep Opponents In North Dakota
After a slow start to the season, the Trapper women’s basketball team is picking up the pace. They completed a weekend sweep on Friday and Saturday, beating both Turtle Mountain Community College and Williston State at the Williston State Invitational.
November 26, 2021
NWC's Roswadovski Named Region IX Freshman Of The Year
Coming into the season, Peyton Roswadovski was not expecting to come out among so many freshmen and players in Region IX as the Freshman of the Year and All-Region IX honors.
November 26, 2021
NWC Wrestling Recovers With Bye Week
Injuries have depleted an already small roster for the Trapper wrestling team as they continue to navigate their way through the early part of their season. A recent break in the schedule gave the team some time to recuperate and practice.
November 26, 2021
Trappers Finish Road Trip 2-1
The early season gauntlet has proven to be a roller coaster for the Trapper men’s basketball team. The team recently played eight games in 12 days, finishing a road trip through Montana with a loss to Dawson Community College and victories over Miles Community College and Rocky Mountain JV.
November 26, 2021
Trappers Show Growth In Montana
A slow start to the season saw the Trapper women’s basketball team winless heading into a recent three-game road trip through Montana. Northwest began to find their footing coming out of the road trip with a 2-1 record, defeating Rocky Mountain JV and Miles City while dropping a close contest to Dawson Community College.
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