Northwest College

In the News

December 16, 2021
Trapper Women Sweep Weekend With Carroll JV
Playing at home last weekend never felt better for the Trapper women’s basketball team. After a month of traveling in five states and over 3,500 miles on a bus, NWC opened its season at Cabre Gym with convincing victories over the Carroll College JV.
December 7, 2021
Trapper Wrestling Sees Small Improvements Heading Into Break
The final matches of 2021 for the Trapper wrestling took place at the Battle of the Rockies in Great Falls, Montana, on Friday and Saturday, as they looked to finish the year on a positive note heading into winter break.
December 7, 2021
Trappers Finish Bruin Classic 2-1
The Trapper men’s basketball team came out of their longest road trip of the season with a positive record, after taking on two academy teams and the No. 1 ranked team in the nation at the Salt Lake Community College (SLCC) Bruin Classic.
December 7, 2021
Dismal Shooting Dooms Northwest Trappers
A two-game win streak had the Trapper women’s basketball team riding high, but dismal shooting on their longest road trip saw the Northwest College squad (3-8) lose three straight contests at the Salt Lake Community College Bruin Classic.
November 30, 2021
Trapper Men Split At Williston Invitational
One of the longest road trips of the season for Trapper basketball spanned over 400 miles last weekend, as they made the trek north to Williston, North Dakota. Taking part in the Williston Invitational, the Northwest College men defeated Turtle Mountain Community College but dropped a contest against Williston State College.
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