Northwest College

Spring 2022

The Northwest College Operations Plan for COVID-19 includes five response levels, with multiple phases. Please refer to this page at any given day/time for the current status:

Current Spring 2022 Status

Operating Condition 2C
See pages 9-10 of the full operations plan for more specific details.

You can see the full operations plan in it's entirety here:

NWC Operations Plan COVID-19

These six objectives guide the strategy, priorities, safety, and response to COVID-19:

  1. Protect employees' and students' health and safety.
  2. Communicate regularly and clearly.
  3. Maintain continuity and integrity of services, when/where possible.
  4. Limit or reduce financial or legal impacts, when/where possible.
  5. Establish and maintain contacts and connections with federal/state or local officials.
  6. Restore regular College operations partially or entirely, when/where possible.


NWC Pandemic Response Team for COVID-19


The goal is to transition areas of campus between operational conditions over a period of time (i.e., semester), known as operational flexibility, which will allow us to transition to more restrictive or relaxed guidelines, as possible, based on the current conditions. The plan allows us to pivot quickly and to the best of our ability as conditions change throughout the next year.